Wooot2! Sumpah miang gila tangan waa nk post entry ni! Before this aku ade cakap yang I'll be away for a while due to exams. But hey, who cares! So, ni betul2 punye last entry sebab aku nk 'Fokus Untuk Capai Kejayaan. (F.U.C.K) Pelik2 je budak2 sekarang. Perkataan FUCK yang penuh dengan keganasan serta kejahatan pun boleh jadi something positive.
Yesterday, my friend Zamer came to KL from Terengganu. Die ni budak ALAM. Ade exam dekat mane entah. Disebabkan kerinduan yang melampau terhadap beliau (strictly no gayness!), my friend rented a car for the night just to went out with dak ALAM poyo ni. HAHA! (suke ek kau soh aku ngan mamat pusing2 KL) 9.30 PM, brader rambot panjang with a silver KELISA-VO (our rented car) came. Excitedly I gave him all the document and giving some signature and I'm good to go! Yeehaaaw! Suddenly I realised something!
'Bang! Meter minyak ni rosak ke?'
'Tak lah. Minyak tu memang cukup2 untuk g petronas dpn tu.'
Terbaik! Aku memang suke lawak brader ni. Ape salah nye bagi minyak lebih sikit. Mentang2 la sewa murah (RM35 for halfday) minyak pun die bagi cukup2 makan. Ciettt! So, I've to go to petronas lah, to isi the minyak. Biasalah kan, I rarely drive. Bila dapat kereta tu rase cam gugup plak tiba2. Dang! Lagi sekentot jek nk parking kat pam minyak enjin kereta waa mati. Malu siaaa awek nampak! FYI, most of the car that I familiar with, tempat nak isi minyak punya button tu aku tau dekat mane. Usually at right-side of the driver's chair. But this KELISA-VO is way too different!
'Paan, mane tempat bukak nye huh?'
'Tah la Jay. Mesti ade sekitar2 sini. Ni tempat bonet. Mesti ade nye.'
'Cari cepat Paan, sumpah aku tak tau kat ne!'
At this time, I was thinking like 'Am I going to open it manually?' Suddenly a 'click' sound reached my ears. Finally! After sweat and tears of finding that F button! Then, we picked up mamat and drove to Subang! Wuuhhuuu! (bes siaa kalau ade kete sendiri!)
When Zamer arrived at his hotel De Palma I think, he said that he's at SS19. Usually this SS thingy located at Subang. Upon reaching Subang we salah masuk jalan! Damn! Bila salah jalan kena lah u-turn balik kan. Finding the u-turn was like.......(baik balik JB) It was far far far away lah the u-turn. Tak suka siaa aku ngan jalan kat KL ni. In the middle of the road I called Imran to wait for us at KLCC and suddenly Zamer called me and said that he was lepak-ing at a place call Kamal's Corner opposite Pasaraya Bintang at SS7. I don't know who is Kamal but one thing for sure I had to go to SS7 first! Arrived at Subang (dekat 3 kali aku pusing Subang Parade), we can't find a signboard stated 'SS7' or 'Kamal's Corner'. Kinda frustrated at that time.
'Kau kat ne siaa?'
'Aku kat seksyen 7 ni laa. Kat Kamal Corner.'
'Yelaaaa. Seksyen 7 tu kat ne? Aku da pusing Subang Parade 3 kali ni.'
'Kau follow signboard Padang Jawa tu haa.'
Yeahh! It's better if you said it earlier sebab minyak memang aku isi full tank! Bila waa da smpai Shah Alam si Zamer cakap die kat Kamal's Corner tu lagi. Yar yar yar. We knew that already! Plus, he said that it's near the KFC and Pizza Hut. FYI, Shah Alam ade UiTM. After a few times sesat we thought we must ask someone lah. Bak kate orang segan bertanya sesat jalan dik oiii! You know what's bullshit? Kamal's Corner dekat je ngan UiTM Shah Alam tu. Kenapa lah kau tak cakap awal2 Zamer oii! Lu memang saje nak bagi ktorang sesat kan? HAHA! F
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Yang gelap tu lah Zamer. Mksd aku baju gelap k. No offense. LOL |
Next, angkut Imran kat KLCC! In the middle of the road I've received a text message :
'Da smpi nnt kejut kan aku eh?'
HAHA! Lu nganjeng tak bole blah ah Imran. It's all Zamer's fault. Waa ingat nak je langgar die time kat Shah Alam tu. Bagi salam perkenalan sikit kat die. So, we all stop a while at PELITA, the famous mamak in KL. Not the mamaks, but the restaurant. Imran walked there and I thought he was alone. He brought along his friend. Time salam2 tiba2 Imran bisik "baru kenal tadi" WTF. Maka bermulalah cerita sadis seorang kawan yang baru sje kenal ni.
'Nama saya Marwan. Saya asal Sungai Petani, Kedah. Hajat saya mai KL ni nak cari keja. Tapi hari tu saya kena rompak kat Jln Duta. Suma abih kena kebas. Tnggal dompet ngan IC ja.'
'Mak bapak kau tahu tak? Nah, call la mak bapak kau.'
'Tak tau lagi. Lagi pun mak saya sakit. Tak nak susah kn hati mereka.'
From left : Marwan, Imran. Sori der gmba blurr. Lu xreti dok diam. |
At the time we ordered 2 pieces of roti canai for our friend here. Pity him lah kalau da kena rompak duit takde nasib baik die masih lagi berbaju dan seluar. LOL. So, we chat and laughed with the intention to cheer up this Kedah guy. Still can't believe him 100% though. Yar, he looks innocent. We knew! But, even some of our friends didn't get our trust why should him? He's a stranger and its KL derr. Anything is possible. In the end, I asked Imran to come along with me to the counter and we had some discussion.
'Weh, member kau tu cam ne?'
'Ahh, td da tapau roti pas tu kte bagi die duit ckt la.'
'Ok2. Kte bg dlm RM15 lah ek.'
Yes. We shake hands and advised him to be a little more gangsta in face expression so that people takde hati nk ngepau. After that, we all had a blast! Yeehaaawwww! Most important thing is we helped that Kedah guy. Of course we didn't trust him 100% but that's the least we can do to ease up his probs.(kalau betol la) So, if he cheated us, thats his rezeki lah kn. If it was the other way round, we glad that we've helped him even though it was not much. Credit to Imran kerana menjadi seorang yang friendly habis! Not to forget Zamer, yela, kalau Zamer tak lengah2 takde la Imran nak tegur si Kedah guy tu.
'haha..oke2..but still x luak mne pn an..agipn,18 thun skali je kot aku tlong org cmtu..yg lain tu,biarlh die brurusan dgn-Nya..'
Ayat Imran yang aku petik dari komen fesbuk dia. Sorry aku tak copy smpai habis sebab, the last sentence tu kinda Ghey!(bagi aku la) HAHA!
'haha..oke2..but still x luak mne pn an..agipn,18 thun skali je kot aku tlong org cmtu..yg lain tu,biarlh die brurusan dgn-Nya..'
Ayat Imran yang aku petik dari komen fesbuk dia. Sorry aku tak copy smpai habis sebab, the last sentence tu kinda Ghey!(bagi aku la) HAHA!
p/s : DM = Dataran Merdeka. Not Dewan Makan! F
OMG3!gbr imran secara close up!hee~
*tipu je blurr utk sye ini sgt3 clear! >,<
awk mmg
ggt jgak kang
attracted to this line
Finding the u-turn was like.......(baik balik JB)
sumpah kelakar . haha .
kelakar + saket hati
baik gila korang! good!
btw s7 tu dekat je ngan kolej aku.
lain kali singgah r, leh masak2 ckit. :P
pagi2 buta nk msk?
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