Friday, October 22, 2010


'Merokok? Mande ade gaye.'
'Merokok? Tak nak lah' 
 I use to hate those words. Macam nak tumbuk2 je muka orang yang cakap cam tu. Tapi time tu I was a hardcore smoker. Geram je bila dengar ayat2 poyo nk mampus tu. HAHA! I started smoke when I was 14. Silap pilih kawan kot?(padahal sendiri yang nak) Mase tu I learned how to smoke while peeping girls at the school laboratory. Ngeh3. Since then my fresh lungs were coated with those damn tars and nicotine.
My 1st cigarette. SKL strawberry.

Some people said that SKL is the cigarette for maknyah. I don't know why but it taste and smell really good.(masyuk je tekak rase strawberry) HAHA! Mase tengah skodeng budak pompuan tu aku try la hisap SKL ni tapi aku tak tarek. Maklumlah aku jahil bab2 merokok time ni. Tu pun mntak membe aku.

'Asal ko tak tarek doe?'
'Tarek tu ape?'
'Adoiii, ko ni bazer je rokok aku'

After that aku nekad nak blaja tarek! Hari tu jugak aku outing beli rokok. Amek kau! 1st time beli teros beli Marlboro! HAHA! Time ni ade lagi kotak 14. After that I went back to hostel then went to the school hall's toilet to learn TAREK. 1st and 2nd attempt failed. After a few tunjuk ajar by smoking instructor I managed to TAREK! Sumpah lalok giler babi! My friends were laughing at me because I was terhuyung-hayang like Jackie Chan minom todi lawan kung fu. Sejak dari hari tu lah aku menjadi hardcore smoker. Yeahh! Thanks to Marlboro.

My 1st cigarette

After 4 years of smoking Marlboro, Dunhill, Winston, Pall Mall, dan lain-lain secara hardcore, I managed to cut down the sucking of nicotine and tar to my lungs. Because, harga rokok naik lagi siaaa!(tak bole terima) Kalaw aku nk smoke pun aku beli rokok seludup yg lg murah. Tapi rokok seludup Nusan pun naik harga jgak! Argghhhhhhh! Dari RM2.30 - RM3.50. Damn!

Rokok Indon (Nusan) standard buat geli2 tekak. HAHA!

p/s : After this I will go for shisha. RM8 bole hisap sampai tanggal tekak!


nadhrh said...

ahh.ayh ade ajr b how to tarek also.
hihi >,<

JEJEH said...

ayah smoke Marlboro kn?
bole ngecek

nadhrh said...

haha.try arh ngecek cnfrm kne ceramah;
"smoking can kills 101"

JEJEH said...

xpela kalaw cam tu