Ahhh... I love the smell of new entry being post here. It has been a while since the last entry. Yar yar yar, I know you all waiting for me (perasan) and today I'm gonna talk about myself because most of my entry I talked about things that happened around me. So, lets try something new okayh.
Some of you knew me very well and some of you didn't. As you can see on the top right side of this blog stated
'JEJEH zafrullah (not the real name)'
See it? Kalau tak nampak maksudnye korang tinggal lagi 3 Jumaat untuk hidup. HAHA! Kidding. Why I wrote '(not the real name)' there? Its not that I dislike my name but I prefer all of you call me JEJEH. Plus, some of you are pelats and I think its hard for the pelats to call me ZAFRULLAH. Secara tak langsung orang2 pelat ni tak payah lah nak bersusah payah panggil aku ZAFRULLAH. JEJEH suda. Prihatin kan? HAHA!
'Asal panggil kau JAY2?'
'Jauh gler name betol ngan name panggilan kau'
'Name Islamik siaa, tapi perangai macam harrrrmmm'
'Name tak padan ngan tuan nye'
So, those are the ayat common came out from some F peoples stinky mouth! Why Jay2 or JEJEH or Juju or whatever lahh represents me? 1st of all my late grandfather gave the name. When I was a little kid about 3 or 4 years old (can't recall) I have this very special pillow. Senang citer bantal busuk aku ah. Sampai sekarang masih ade lagi bantal tersebut. (tak bole tido kalaw tak de) Asal? Tak bole ke laki tua bangke da nak kawen ade bantal busuk? Hidup aku, aku pnye pasal la. (emosi tbe2) Back then the sarung bantal is pink in colour with Popeye's drawing on it and I loved to gentel2 every tip of the pillow untill koyak. HAHA! Don't ask why I loved to do that, just think positive and it is my bad habit till now! Back to my late grandfather. He always noticed that if I was with my pillow, air liur aku mesti menJEJEH. A lighted bulb appeared on his head and
'Yayi nak panggil JEJEH la. Air liur die asik menJEJEH je bile pelok bantal busuk tu'
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That's the special pillow a.k.a bantal busuk. |
So, as time goes by the name JEJEH change to Jay2 then Jay then JJ and lastly J. HAHA! Dunia da maju zaman da berubah. The name JEJEH evolve through out the years because people nowadays are lazy as pigs! Lagi2 text message, sume nk short form.
Mohammad Zafrullah Bin Salim. Don't call me ZAF or any short name you can find in ZAFRULLAH because its annoying! Two choices for you, its either ZAFRULLAH or JJ. Other than that, my middle finger will raise for you. Yar yar yar, the name ZAFRULLAH kinda Islamic but I'm not that kind of person. Ok. 1st of all I'm a Muslim. Mesti la name kena melambangkan agama betol tak? Lagi pun mase aku lahir bukan nye aku dok bincang skali ngan mak bapak sedara makcik2 sume nak letak name ape. Aku terima je la kan. Korang ade ke dok bincang skali time nk bagi name? Kalau ade aku tak bole nk cakap ape la kecuali F liars. Sometimes I felt ashamed of myself. Yela, name macam ahli syurga tapi perangai macam ahli sihir. Tak bole nak buat ape2 derr, kalau aku tau perangai aku macam ni la kan, awal2 lagi aku soh mak bapak aku letak name garang sikit. Stone Cold ke, The Rock ke kn? HAHA! Ape yang penting I've had a very very bitter memories about people who call me ZAF. Die je lah makhluk yang pertama panggil aku ZAF and she thinks that she was a special person regarding calling me ZAF. Once again F you!
'ZAF! Tutup kan lampu'
Eeeeeuuuuwwwww! Eh, makan taik bole? Even my parents call me JJ and who the hell are you to call me ZAF? And it happened in the class during Form 4. At that time the class was very quiet and suddenly that horrible voice spread to everyone in the class. Macam biasa, that incident spread to the whole world in a blink of an eye. Sucks!
And that's all about the origin of my name. To all the ASPER-ians Semester 1, enjoy your holiday and have a safe journey home. See you all next year and have a happy Monday!
p/s : Some people thought that my name was MOHD. JAY2. How sad can it be?
budak ngencis rupenyer,,,
err yucksss....
who the person that call u zaf..
grrr..that sound so funny...
oit..sape r budak tu???
bru ku tau asal usul nme mu whai jj..haha
nk taw kne cari sendiri ah
zaffff bukak kan lampu.gelaplah.AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
aku tau sgt cite kau.ahahaha!
kaw xyah nk kabot sgt ah kalaw da tau pung
pehhh JEJEH!
MOHD. JAY2 !!!!
aku pun baru tahu asal usul nye.,
thx for the storyy...
eh, bukan aku da citer ke?
kaw sje bwat2 lupe kn
aku taw
jejeh bntal kau comel tak?
np aq tak pna nmpk?
kau bwk g upm tak?
glerr aku nk bawak
kecoh 1 upm nnt
hilang ah macho aku
pe salah nya?
hilang macho? errmmmmmmmm
ye aku taw aku xsemacho kaw
owh aku tawu dah, makgat cter ke kau cter.cmtulah.HAHA
eyt yg psl zaf tu aku tak tawu pun tapi aku rase dak specky tu ae? ehem ehem HAHAHA
kaw pung gelabah jgak
da taw tu senyap2 suda
kaw bg hint nnt kecoh 1 fesbuk
aku tau siape wanita berkace mate tersebut
sememang nye kaw taw
sbb kaw sekelas ngan die mse F5
entry bulan 11 last year! almost one year weh. haha.
another 8 days then its a year.
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