Pernah jmpe mak nyah? Bapok? Dan seangakatan dengan nye? Dari jauh? HAHA Atuk aku pung bole cakap cam tu.
'Atuk nampak mak nyah tadi'
'Iyeee kee?'
Setakat dari jauh baek tak payah der. Me? Pernah lepak same2 bai. It happened during my stduy week. I went back for a few days after 3 months tak balek JB. Banyak sial perubahan kat JB. Ade Taman Poket doe kat tempat aku. Cool giler sial. HAHA Duniawi sume tu.
Well of course ble balek JB mesti lepak ngan member2 kn. Its a must. But when some of your friends' friends are not the same head as you (tak same kpale.get it?) mesti awkward pnye lah kalaw lepak same. At that time there's Afiq, yang lain tak cuti. So, berdua je lah macam gay.
Si Afiq ni pulak tah kemaruk hape tah ngidam Big Apple sangat. Tah2 die ngandung anak aku. HUUUHHHHH! Went to Jusco Bkt Indah and met my old friend Wan Telor. That night we hang out at our usual mamak place. Order shisha and eat a bit. Then Wan said his girlfriend is coming with some of her friends. Well that's cool. Me and Afiq can make some new friends.
When they arrived,
'Afiq, asal member laki die jalan cam tu?'
'Tah la. Laki lembut kot.'
'Babi la. Asal kena lepak ngan orang2 cam ni sial.'
'Bwat biase je.'
Yes. 2 girls and 2 boys, i mean 4 girls actually. HAHA Adat orang Meleis kena la salam bile jumpe kan. Sopan gitu bile salam ngan diorang. Lembut sangat2. HIHI fak. Aku geli siaall. Aku kesat2 tangan aku kat baju Afiq. Perghhhh. Aku cam tak bole terima ah. Da la mmg aku kutuk2 orang yang tak kenal jantina ni. Bole plak lepak same kn. wtf mang! Nasib baek aku tumpang Afiq. Kalau tak aku da blah doe. Pas tu diorang punye gelak kalah pontianak. Kalah la ketawa dak2 pompuan yang gedik. Taw kan cam ne?
Dalam hati aku da zikir carut. Macam2 carutan dari pelbagai bhse dan kaum keluar. HAHA But the worst part is I didn't get the chance to snap their pictures for my blog yo. But I do have some pictures that I snapped when lepak ngan Imrang. Tu pung snap curi2. Kalaw kantoi mati sial aku. Nampak je cam pompuan. Tapi lengan kalah sial peha aku.
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Cute eyh? Fakem all. |
I don't understand why these kind of people choose this kind of life. Didn't they realize that they were male? It's been stated on the birth certificate dumbass. Maybe they can't read. But look in your pants! Its different with the female for God sake! Oh, you didn't know what's that thing in your pants?
We can't avoid seeing these kind of people. In fact, there are few in the college. But they are the 'OK' type. Not like these. But hey, its their life. Respect their decision. The choose to be like that. Can't blame them though. I'm just wondering why they choose this path. For sure I'm not going to hang out with these kinds of people again because its gross!
p/s : If you're brave enough go and said this to them 'do you know that you don't deserve to have breast?' HAHAHAHAA
BHAHAHAHA I like this one 'If you're brave enough go and said this to them 'do you know that you don't deserve to have breast?''
pergghh untung gila dapat lepak ngan maknyah2 ni!
suke ye nk lepak ngan mak nyah.
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